American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts, 3d series. Attorney's Illustrated Medical Dictionary West
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary W. B. Saunders
The Medical Word Finder: A Reverse Medical Dictionary Neal-Schuman
Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions Mosby/Elsevier
Stedman's Medical Dictionary Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary F.A.Davis
Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary Merriam-Webster
A Complete Pronouncing Medical Dictionary Lippincott
An Illustrated Encyclopaedic Medical Dictionary Appleton
Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations Saunders
MASA: Medical Acronyms, Symbols & Abbreviations Neal-Schuman
Anatomy & Medical Jargon for Lawyers Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Attorney's Dictionary of Medicine and Word Finder LexisNexis
Attorneys' Textbook of Medicine LexisNexis
Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties LexisNexis
The Sloane-Dorland Annotated Medical-Legal Dictionary West
The PDR and its subsidiary volumes contain drug label information, including dosages, side effects, and safety information. Data on clinical trials are also included.
Physicians' Desk Reference: PDR Medical Economics Co.
PDR for Herbal Medicines Medical Economics Co.
PDR for Nonprescription Drugs PDR Network
PDR Guide to Drug Interactions, Side Effects, and Indications Thomson PDR
This guide focuses on materials available at Jenkins. For more in-depth medical resources, it is best to use a medical library, such as Jefferson University's Scott Memorial Library, Temple University's Health Sciences Libraries, and University of Pennsylvania's Biomedical Library. These libraries may have access restrictions or charges. We recommend contacting the library before visiting for the most up-to-date policy information.