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Expert Witnesses

About Subject Specific Resources

Below are some examples of subject-specific practice materials that include information about witnesses.

Other subject specific practice materials by publishers such as the American Bar Association, Lexis, Practicing Law Institute, Thomson Reuters/West, and Wolters Kluwer are also available. Try searching the Jenkins' catalog. For suggestions, Jenkins' members can contact Research Services at 215.574.1505 or

Subject Specific Treatises and Practice Aids

The Forensic Accounting Deskbook: A Practical Guide to Financial Investigation and Analysis for Family Lawyers ABA
Library has previous edition: see all.

Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Financial Expert Wiley
Also on the library's Bloomberg Law computers.
Library has previous editions: see all.

Uncovering and Proving Financial Fraud Pennsylvania Bar Institute

Architect and Engineer Liability: Claims Against Design Professionals Wolters Kluwer
Also on the library's VitalLaw computer.
See Chapter 18: Expert Consultants and Witnesses.

Engineering Evidence West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.
See Chapter 2: Retention of an Expert and Chapter 3: Use of the Expert.
Library has previous edition: see all.

Lane Medical Litigation Guide West/Thomson Reuters

Medical Malpractice: Checklists and Discovery West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.

Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence West/Thomson Reuters
Library has previous edition: see all.
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.

Psychological and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Trials West/Thomson Reuters
Library has previous edition: see all.
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.

Lawyer's Desk Reference West/Thomson Reuters
Available on the library's Westlaw computers.
See Chapter 1: Expert Witnesses.

Personal Injury: Actions, Defenses, Damages LexisNexis
Available on the library's Lexis computers and the LexisNexis Digital Library.
See Expert Testimony in the index to find relevant sections.

Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.

Scientific Evidence LexisNexis
Also available on the LexisNexis Digital Library. Library also has previous editions: see all.
See Chapter 1: Expert Testimony.

Scientific Evidence and Experts Handbook Wolters Kluwer
Available on the Treatises On Fastcase database. From the Treatises on Fastcase homepage, select Browse Libraries. Under Commentary > Treatises and Books, select Product Liability Law Library > Scientific Evidence and Experts Handbook.