For information about, and how to find, the Code of Federal Regulations, check out the Code of Federal Regulations research guide.
The following member databases include access to the Federal Register. Members must be logged in to to access these databases. These databases are also available in the library.
HeinOnline provides access to the Federal register back to its 1936 inception and is updated daily. ProQuest Congressional also provides access to the Federal Register beginning with 1936.
Federal Register
Available on HeinOnline, in the Federal Register Library.
Vol. 1 (1936) - present. Updated daily. Includes indexes.
Federal Register Annual Index, 1939-92
Available on LLMC Digital. Select U.S. Federal Government > Executive > U.S. Executive (Agencies, alpha order) > Federal Register Annual Index, 1939-92
Vol. 4 (1939) - vol. 63 (1998). Annual Index only.
Federal Register
Available on ProQuest Congressional. Once in ProQuest Congressional, select Regulations from the top menu bar. Make sure the "Select Publication" drop-down is set to "Federal Register". Can search by keyword or by citation.
Vol. 1 (1936) - present.