For information on additional Philadelphia court resources, see our Philadelphia - Quick Links guide.
For information on how to find federal dockets and briefs, see our Federal Dockets, Briefs, Filings, & More subject guide.
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Docket sheets typically list the proceedings and documents filed in a case. In a criminal matter, the docket may also list the criminal charges. Many jurisdictions provide online access to their docket sheets. Links to a select number of Pennsylvania appellate and trial level courts are found below. For some jurisdictions, the only way to access the docket is to contact the court.
Federal dockets are available via PACER. For more information on how to find federal dockets and briefs, see our Federal Dockets, Briefs, Filings, & More subject guide.
Pennsylvania Case Search
Includes dockets for the Pennsylvania Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth Courts. For Appellate Court dockets, select either "Appellate" or "Docket Number" in the drop-down search options. With the "Appellate" search, checking the "Advanced Search" box offers additional search options, including docket type, participant name, and trial court county.
For additional information on using the UJS Case Search, check out our blog post Case Search: Docket Searching on The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania Web Portal.
Pennsylvania Case Search
Includes criminal dockets for all Pennsylvania counties. Also includes Philadelphia Municipal Court criminal dockets. Can search by docket number or participant name.
For additional information on using the UJS Case Search, check out our blog post Case Search: Docket Searching on The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania Web Portal.
See the PA Criminal tab to the left for how to find criminal dockets.
Family Court Domestic Relations Docket Search
Search by party name or by Case ID (docket) number.
Orphans' Court Division Docket Access
Search by person or company name, access docket reports, view Orphans' public cases.
Philadelphia Municipal Court - Civil
Can search by case number (CaseID), plaintiff, or defendant.
Philadelphia Trial Division - Civil
Can search by party, company name, or case ID number.
Other information, like Orphans' Court Listings, may also be available.
See the PA Criminal tab to the left for how to find criminal dockets.
Bucks County
Search civil dockets. Use the menu on the left to search Register of Wills and Orphans' Court documents. For additional information, see the Bucks County Docket Lookup Information. Fees may apply.
Chester County
Subscription-based service for civil dockets, real estate information, and more.
Delaware County
Access to civil dockets and judgment index.
Montgomery County
Access to civil dockets, Register of Wills probate cases, and marriage licenses.