Principles of the Law of Software Contracts "apply to agreements for the transfer of software for a consideration. Software agreements include agreements to sell, lease, license, access, or otherwise transfer or share software." Principles of the Law of Software Contracts § 1.06 (2010).
Jenkins has access to the Principles of the Law of Software Contracts in print, on the library's Westlaw computers, and on the member database HeinOnline. Drafts and case annotations may also be available. See below to find out more about this Principle of the Law and how to access it.
The member database HeinOnline includes access to the Principles of the Law and their annotations. Many drafts may also be available on HeinOnline. Members must be logged in to to access this database. HeinOnline is also available in the library. See below for more information.
Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
Westlaw, available in the library, includes access to the Principles of the Law. When available, case annotations follow the text of the Principle section and are labeled "Case Citations - By Jurisdiction". Westlaw indicates the currency of these annotations in the update information found above the Principle section. Select drafts may also be available.
Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
Available on the library's Westlaw computers.
Archive materials also available. From the Software Contracts table of contents page, see Principles of the Law of Software Contracts - Archive located under "Tools & Resources" (on the right). The Archive materials include the superseded Proposed, Tentative, and Discussion Drafts of the Principles of the Law of Software Contracts.
Jenkins collects the Principles of the Law in print format. In print, case annotations to Principles of the Law can be found in the annual pocket parts located in the back inside "pocket" of each volume. Depending on the date of pocket part, additional case citations may be available in the most recent Interim Case Citations to the Restatements of the Law. Select drafts may also be available in either print or microfiche format.
Principles of the Law, Software Contracts American Law Institute
(KF905.C6 P75 2010)