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Self-Help: Ejectment in Philadelphia

What is Ejectment?

According to I Was Served an Ejectment Complaint. What do I do? (

  • "Ejectment is the court process where a property owner removes an occupant from their property who they have not given permission to move in. It is sometimes used by banks that purchase a property at foreclosure or by an owner who wants to remove a ‘squatter’ from the property. It is also sometimes wrongfully used by landlords to remove tenants as an alternative to the Philadelphia Municipal Court eviction process."

According to the (Philadelphia's) Mayor's Taskforce on Eviction Prevention and Response: Report and Recommendations (June 2018):

  • Ejectment: "unlike eviction, which is the legal method of removing a tenant when a landlord relationship exists and the tenant is someone paying rent and/or has a lease, ejectment is the legal method of removing someone who is not a tenant. If there is no lease or rent is not being paid, then an owner who wants to remove an occupant must pursue ejectment. While eviction cases occur in Landlord-Tenant Court, ejectment matters are handed in the Court of Common Pleas, which often requires the assistance of an attorney."  - Glossary of Terms (Appendix IX, p. 55).

According to the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office: Complaint in Ejectment - Fees for Service page:

  • "A complaint in ejectment is a beginning of civil remedy notifying occupants of a residence that the plaintiff is the lawful owner and has filed with the court to obtain possession of the property."