VerdictSearch ALM Media
Subscription service. Free trial available. gives users access to a database of over 200,000 detailed case reports from around the nation. Users can perform a text search or use 15 separate search criteria.
Zarin's FindVerdicts
Formerly Jury Verdict Review & Analysis.
Subscription service. Offers a selection of case summaries for free, but must have a subscription to search and/or view full case reports.
Contains over 102,000 professional case evaluations reported in various Jury Verdict Review & Analysis publications since 1980.
Jury Verdicts & Settlements
Available on the library's Westlaw computers. Under Content Types > Jury Verdicts & Settlements.
Contains jury verdicts, judgments, settlements, and arbitrations from U.S. state and federal courts. Coverage varies by source. See scope notes for more information.
Use the By Circuit, By State, and By Topic links to restrict the search to a specific circuit, state, or topic. Award amount restrictions can be selected by filtering the search results. Select results may be unavailable due to licensing restrictions.
Jury Verdicts and Settlements
Available on the library's Lexis computers. Under Explore > Content > Jury Verdicts & Settlements.
Contains jury verdicts and settlements from federal and state courts. Can filter on the left of results by practice areas & topics, attorney, law firm, judge, sources, and more. Coverage varies by source.
ALM VerdictSearch Reports
Available on the library's Bloomberg computer. From Secondary Sources > Search ALM VerdictSearch Reports.
Available on the library's Bloomberg computers. Contains case reports for more than 200,000 state and federal verdicts. Use the filters on the left side to narrow by topic, type, location, and verdict amount, and/or conduct a general search in the main toolbar.
The National Jury Verdict Review and Analysis Jury Verdict Review Publications
Library has vol. 3 (1987/88) - vol. 29 (2014). Includes annual index.
Northeast Top Verdicts & Settlements of 2020 ALM Media
Includes cases from Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.