The following resources include sample forms for select discovery procedures in the Pennsylvania courts. Forms may also be included in the other resources listed on this page.
Dunlap-Hanna Pennsylvania Forms LexisNexis
Also on the library's Lexis computers.
See Chapter 146: Depositions and Discovery.
PA Legal Forms Gale
Member database available to all members. Includes a variety of forms relating to discovery, including several interrogatories and sample requests for production of documents.
West's Pennsylvania Forms West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.
See Civil Procedure, Part X: Discovery.
The following member databases include information regarding discovery in Pennsylvania. Members must be logged in to to access these databases. These databases are also available in the library.
The chapters/sections listed below are included as a starting place for that resource. Additional chapters/sections may apply. Consult the index or conduct a search in the resource to find additional material.
PA Legal Forms
Member database available to all members. Includes a variety of forms relating to discovery, including several interrogatories and sample requests for production of documents.
Pennsylvania Civil Discovery (LexisNexis Practice Guide)
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library. Also available on the library's Lexis computers and in print.
Pennsylvania Civil Practice
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library. Also available on the library's Lexis computers and in print.
See Chapter 14: Depositions and Discovery.
Pennsylvania Civil Pre-Trial Practice (LexisNexis Practice Guide)
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library. Also available on the library's Lexis computers and in print.
Pennsylvania Law Encyclopedia
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library. Also available on the library's Lexis computers and in print.
See "Discovery and Depositions" (vol. 21).
The following print resources include information regarding discovery in Pennsylvania. Some resources published by LexisNexis and West/Thomson Reuters may be available on the library's Lexis and Westlaw computers. See below for more information.
The chapters/sections listed below are included as a starting place for that resource. Additional chapters/sections may apply. Consult the index or conduct a search in the resource to find additional material.
Dunlap-Hanna Pennsylvania Forms LexisNexis
Also on the library's Lexis computers.
See Chapter 146: Depositions and Discovery.
Goodrich Amram 2d Procedural Rules Service with Forms West/Thomson Reuters
Also available on the library's Westlaw computers.
See "Depositions and Discovery" (Rules 4001 through 4025). Library also has previous edition: see all.
Pennsylvania Civil Discovery (LexisNexis Practice Guide) LexisNexis
Also available on the library's Lexis computers and on the LexisNexis Digital Library.
Pennsylvania Civil Practice
Also available on the library's Lexis computers and on the LexisNexis Digital Library.
See Chapter 14: Depositions and Discovery.
Pennsylvania Civil Pre-Trial Practice (LexisNexis Practice Guide) LexisNexis
Also available on the library's Lexis computers and the LexisNexis Digital Library.
Pennsylvania Discovery Practice West/Thomson Reuters
Also available on the library's Westlaw computers.
Pennsylvania Law Encyclopedia LexisNexis
Also available on the library's Lexis computers and on the LexisNexis Digital Library.
See "Discovery and Depositions". Library also has previous edition: see all.
Standard Pennsylvania Practice 2d West/Thomson Reuters
Also available on the library's Westlaw computers.
See Chapter 34: Discovery and Depositions, Generally. Additional chapters may cover discovery issues. Search the index for Discovery to find additional chapters.
Library also has previous edition: see all.
West's Pennsylvania Forms West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.
See Civil Procedure, Part X: Discovery.
The Pennsylvania Bar Institute and some county bar associations provide county practice guidebooks. These guides often have general information and forms for common situations and may include information on discovery. For a list of county practice books available at Jenkins, see the Pennsylvania County Practice guide.
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Civil Practice Manual Pennsylvania Bar Institute
See Chapter 6: Discovery. Additional sections and forms may also be relevant. Use the index and table of contents to find additional sections.
Library has previous editions: see all.
Civil Practice in Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery Counties 2020 Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Includes Bucks (see Part VI: Discovery), Chester (see Part VIII: Discovery Practice), Delaware (see Part VI: Discovery), and Montgomery (see Part VI: Discovery) counties.
Library has previous editions: see all.
Civil Practice in the Lehigh Valley, the Poconos and Beyond Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Includes Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, and Pike counties.
Library has previous editions: see all. Use the table of contents for where to find discussion of discovery.
Court rules often outline the procedures surrounding discovery. The following rules focus on discovery in Pennsylvania civil procedure. Please note that additional rules may also apply.
Civil Rules:
For additional places to find Pennsylvania Court Rules, including in print and on the library's Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law computers, see the Pennsylvania Court Rules - State guide.
For how to access county court rules, see the Pennsylvania Court Rules - County guide.