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Federal Acts (Public Laws)

Finding Federal Acts in Print

Select print resources contain public laws. United States Code Congressional and Administrative News (USCCAN) includes public laws, select House and Senate Reports, executive orders, and more. Library coverage of this title begins with 77th Congress, 1st session (Jan. 3, 1941 to Jan. 2, 1942). Both the United States Code Annotated (USCA) and the United States Code Service (USCS) include recent public laws. See below for more details.

Print Resources

United States Code Congressional and Administrative News (USCCAN) West/Thomson Reuters
Library has 77th Congress, 1st session (Jan. 3, 1941 to Jan. 2, 1942) - present. There are multiple catalog entries for USCCAN. The most current entry is linked above.
USCCAN includes public laws, select House and Senate Reports, executive orders, and more.

United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.) West/Thomson Reuters
Library has current edition only. See the Public Laws volumes. Includes only recent public laws.

United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.) LexisNexis
Library has current edition only. See the Advance pamphlets. Includes only recent public laws.