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Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law, available in the library, include access to published and unpublished federal cases. See below for more details.
Federal Cases
Available on the library's Lexis computers.
Includes U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Lawyers' Edition. Also includes published decisions from the federal circuit and district courts. Select unpublished decisions may also be available.
Lexis also has subject specific databases that pull together cases based on topic. Topics include copyright, education, environmental law, insurance, military law, and more.
Federal Cases
Available on the library's Westlaw computers.
Includes the Supreme Court Reporter, the Federal Reporter series, the Federal Appendix series, and more. Select unpublished decisions may also be available.
Westlaw also has subject specific databases that pull together cases based on topic. Topics include bankruptcy, energy and environment, immigration, intellectual property, military law, tax, and more.
Federal Court Opinions
Available on the library's Bloomberg Law computers. Includes decisions issued by the United States Supreme Court, Circuit Courts of Appeals, District Courts, Bankruptcy Courts, Bankruptcy Appellate Panels, Tax Court, Court of Federal Claims, Court of International Trade and other federal courts. Select unpublished decisions may also be available.
Bloomberg Law also has Practice Centers that pull together cases based on topic. Topics include antitrust, bankruptcy, health, labor and employment, securities, tax, trademarks and copyrights, and more.