Jenkins also has a collection of general dictionaries and other reference materials. A listing of these materials can be found in the Dictionaries, Thesauri, and More guide.
The following member databases include historic legal dictionaries. Members must be logged in to to access these databases. These databases are also available in the library.
Anglo-American Dictionaries
Available on LLMC Digital. From within LLMC Digital, select Special Focus Collections > Anglo-American Legal Reference > Anglo-American Dictionaries (alpha order). Includes American and English dictionaries. Earliest dictionaries date back to the 1700s. Additional dictionaries may be available in other LLMC Digital collections.
Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf: Dictionaries
Available on HeinOnline. Can browse by title, author, date, and subject. Includes American, English, and foreign language dictionaries. Earliest dictionaries date back to the 1500s. Additional dictionaries may be available in other HeinOnline collections.
A Compendious Law Dictionary Printer varies
Also referred to as Pott's Law Dictionary.
The Law Dictionary Printer varies
Also referred to as Jacob's Law Dictionary.
A New Law Dictionary: Intended for General Use as well as for Gentlemen of the Profession Printer varies
Also referred to as Burn's Law Dictionary.
The Student's Law Dictionary Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, for J. Hodges
Also referred to as the Compleat English Law Expositor.
Supplement to the Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases Judicially Interpreted, and of Statutory Definitions Sweet & Maxwell, Stevens and Sons
Also referred to as Stroud's Judicial Dictionary.
Wharton's Law-Lexicon Printer varies