Primary source materials like statutes, court rules, and caselaw may also need to be consulted; see the PA Law guides for how to access these primary source materials.
Family Law 101 Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Includes topics that cover child support, equitable distribution, alimony, alternative dispute resolution process, and more.
Library also have previous editions: see all.
Pennsylvania Family Law LexisNexis
Also on the LexisNexis Digital Library and the library's Lexis computers.
Part of the LexisNexis Practice Guide Series.
Pennsylvania Family Law Practice and Procedure: with Forms West/Thomson Reuters
Also on the library's Westlaw computers.
Includes forms. Library has previous editions: see all.
Pennsylvania Matrimonial Practice West/Thomson Reuters
Includes forms. Discontinued by publisher after the 2016/2017 update.
Library has previous edition: see all.
Standard Pennsylvania Practice West/Thomson Reuters
Also available on the library's Westlaw computers. See Chapter 126. Domestic Relations Actions (Volume 24).
Parenting Coordination Training: Skills for Survival 2023 Pennsylvania Bar Institute
Pennsylvania Child Custody: Law, Practice, and Procedure Bisel
Library has previous edition: see all.
Pennsylvania Divorce Code Annotated: with Forms Bisel
Includes forms.
Pennsylvania Divorce Code Annotated Rules Bisel
Includes forms.
Pennsylvania Support Practice Bisel
Pennsylvania Support Rules Annotated Bisel
Standard Pennsylvania Practice West/Thomson Reuters
Also available on the library's Westlaw computers. See Chapter 126. Domestic Relations Actions (Volume 24). Different subjects/sections include:
Advanced Family Law in Pennsylvania National Business Institute
Includes topics that cover non-traditional family structures and paternal disputes, contempt issues, child and spousal support, and violence in the home.
Library also have previous editions: see all.
Pennsylvania Divorce and Domestic Relations Reporter LRP Publications
Library has 1980-2016 (publication discontinued by publisher).
Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Lawsource Bisel
Pennsylvania Family Law Annotated: with related State and Federal Law West/Thomson Reuters