Primary source materials like statutes, court rules, and caselaw should also be consulted; see the PA Law guides for how to access primary source materials.
Juvenile delinquency can overlap with criminal law. For resources on criminal law, see the Pennsylvania Criminal Law guide.
The following organizations may provide additional information related to juvenile delinquency law.
Juvenile Justice Committee Criminal Justice Section, Equal Justice Division, American Bar Association
Includes IJA-ABA Standards for Juvenile Justice.
Juvenile Law Center (JLC)
Juvenile Law Center is "a national advocacy organization fighting for youth and families affected by the child welfare and justice systems". Their work includes "impact litigation, appellate advocacy and amicus (friend of the court) briefs, policy reform, education and training, professional consulting, youth advocacy programming, and strategic communications".
Youth Sentencing & Reentry Program (YSRP)
"The Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project (YSRP) is a resource center for lawyers representing kids in the adult criminal justice system, with the ultimate goal of supporting kids in building a more positive or successful future. There are two primary components to YSRP’s work: aiding attorneys with juvenile clients facing adult charges at the decertification and sentencing stages of criminal trials and supporting incarcerated youth and their families as they plan for reentry into society from prison."