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Pennsylvania Criminal Law


To find trial level case law from the Common Pleas courts of Pennsylvania, check the resources listed in the Pennsylvania Cases - Trial Level guide. Many states do not publish their trial court decisions. In Pennsylvania, only select common pleas (or trial level) court opinions are available. Some decisions are not published and must be obtained from the court.

To find Appellate level case law from the Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth courts of Pennsylvania, check the resources listed in the Pennsylvania Cases - Appellate Level guide. Some decisions are not published and must be obtained from the court.

To find Federal level case law from the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and U.S. District Courts, check the resources listed in the Federal Caselaw guide.

Research Tip: Many of the sources listed throughout this guide cite to caselaw when applicable and may be good places to start looking for relevant caselaw.