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Criminal law is "[t]he body of law defining offenses against the community at large, regulating how suspects are investigated, charged, and tried, and establishing punishments for convicted offenders." Criminal Law, Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019). It is a multi-faceted area of law, covering arrests, trial, probation, expungement, and everything in between.
The resources in this guide highlight sources available to Jenkins' members freely online, on member databases, or in the library. Onsite Lexis and Westlaw access is noted when available. Additional resources may also be useful and library users are encouraged to search the Jenkins' catalog. Visitors to Jenkins may also want to browse the shelves around call numbers KFP560 through KFP598. Primary source materials like statutes, court rules, and caselaw should also be consulted; see the PA Law guides for how to access primary source materials.
Criminal law practitioners may also be interested in the Discovery Practice, Evidence Practice, Pennsylvania Jury Practice, and Verdicts & Settlements research guides. A full list of research guides is available here.