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Self-Help: Finding Laws, Court Rules & More

Legal Research Basics & Primary Authorities

Philadelphia Court Rules

Court Rules guide the practices and procedures of court.

The Philadelphia County Local Rules can be found on the Philadelphia court's website. Scroll down to find the section with PDFs of the following sets of rules: 

Common Pleas (CP):

Municipal Court:

Judicial Administration

For more information, see the Pennsylvania Court Rules - County guide. 


► Make sure to check the Pennsylvania state court rules in addition to the local county rules. See the PA Court Rules page of this guide and/or the Pennsylvania Court Rules - State guide. 

Other County Court Rules

Here are links to local court rules for other counties that surround Philadelphia:

See the Pennsylvania Court Rules - County guide for more information. 

► Make sure to check the Pennsylvania state court rules in addition to the local county rules. See the PA Court Rules page of this guide and/or the Pennsylvania Court Rules - State guide.